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Report a Bug

Before you report a bug, please verify that you are running the latest version of PySolFC, and also check the PySolFC site's FAQ page, and issues previously reported on GitHub, to ensure that the bug was not previously reported.

If you found a bug in PySolFC, the best place to report it is on GitHub. To do so, create an issue at with as much detail as possible on what's happening, and we will investigate.

Alternatively, you can report bugs on SourceForge on the discussion forum at or through SourceForge's ticketing system at However, these are not checked as frequently as GitHub.

Enhancements and Feature Requests

If you have an enhancement or a new feature for PySolFC you'd like to request, this can also be done by creating issues in the same place.

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PySolFC Documentation - version 3.2.0