Two-Deck game type. 2 decks. 1 redeal.
Move all the cards to the foundations.
At the start of the game, one card is dealt to the leftmost of thirteen foundations.
Deal cards from the stock one at a time. You go through the talon twice. During the first deal, each card must be played to one of three special reserve piles. The top card from any of these can be moved to the foundations only. When redealing, these reserve piles are put together to form a new deck. During the second deal, these reserve piles are unused, and cards are simply dealt to the waste pile.
Cards from the waste pile or reserves may be moved to foundations, which are built down by rank, wrapping down from ace to king as necessary. A card cannot be placed in a foundation unless the foundation to the left of it has cards in it. Each foundation starts with a card one rank lower than the foundation to the left of it, and can hold eight cards max.
The game is won if all cards are moved to the foundations.
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