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Hex Yukon

Hex A Deck type. 1 deck. No redeal.


Move all cards to the foundations.

Quick description

Like Yukon, except the wizards are wild, but can only be moved as individual cards.


Game play is like Yukon with the Wizards being wild. They can be played on the tableau as any rank or color. However, wizards can only be moved as individual cards, meaning any cards behind a wizard are blocked until the Wizard is moved. Wizards can be moved to a separate foundation at any time, in order by their rank. Wizards' ranks can be identified by the size of their hats, with the one with the tallest hat being the one, and the remaining wizards' ranks have increasingly smaller hats.


Be careful where you play the wizards. While you can use them to free up any cards you like, if you play them on the wrong pile, you might end up blocking a more important card later.

There are certain patterns in how you choose to move the wizards that will help you use them most effectively. You'll just have to figure them out...

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PySolFC Documentation - version 3.2.0