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Trumps Row

Tarock type. 1 deck. 4 redeals.


Group all the cards in sets of 13 cards in ascending sequence by suit from Two to King, plus one of 22 with the trump of 2 to the Fool/Skiz.


This solitaire starts with the entire deck shuffled and dealt out in five rows, four of fourteen cards and one of twenty-two. The Aces and one of trumps are then removed making 5 initial free spaces. You may move to a space only the card that matches the left neighbor in suit, and is one greater in rank. The row of 22 is built in a sequence using the trump suit, but the other four rows can be built in any suit. Kings and the Fool/Skiz are high, so no cards may be placed to their right (they create dead spaces).

When no moves can be made, cards still out of sequence are reshuffled and dealt face up after the ends of the partial sequences, leaving a card space after each sequence, so that each row looks like a partial sequence followed by a space, followed by enough cards to make a row of 14 or 22, depending on the row. Four redeals are allowed.


Autodrop is disabled for this game. This is a variant of Montana played using a tarock deck.

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